Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Back to blogging and back to tracking!! I'm back from my holidays. I headed down to New York for a wedding on was so beautiful that day. The weather and the wedding...well the wedding was extravagant! We drove down there and Friday morning (and all day), freezing. A rain storm continued and it brought the cold. We left Friday 12:30 am from Toronto (warm) to cold N.Y.C. Saturday and on was grogious though, my favourite was the wedding. From Saturday to Monday we went visiting and on Monday we shopped at the Palisades Center (USA) ... four levels of huge stores. It was a great trip.....again, the wedding was my favourite.

Anyways, to the weather. Tomorrow is calling for thunderstorms, but Friday is my hope of nice weather. I'm heading down to the CHUMCity Building (299 Queen Street West, Toronto) for BT's Viewer Appreciation Day. It's taking place from 6:00am to 9:00am. Lots of great things I hear......especially the food: burgers, cereal and prizes and give-a-ways. Can't wait. I predict lows of 15C and highs of 23C with partly cloudy it's not too bad. The morning seems nice.

I HATE TO SAY WHAT I'M GOING TO SAY, but I've been instructed (by the bosses) to remind you that FALL IS COMING and I MUST write a blog on it....but I'm regretting it and don't know what to say. There are too many things to talk about, so we'll have a blog devoted to Fall! Everytime the new season arrives, we will have a blog on it for the month of the beginning of the season. This one will be called CityFALL. This should be out for the beginning of September.

Also, we say farewell to CityHEAT blog on Monday. It's been a pleasure with working with the CityHEAT blog producer (Mike) but he'll be blogging for CityFALL.

A lot I needed to catch up on....but I did it! and as for those emails, I'll get to them.


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