Earlier I asked you to send me reasons why you think weather is a smash hit...you know, like the Phantom of the Opera was a smash hit musical. Man, did we get answers.
N.B.: This blog you will find a lot of links. Please click on them for more information.
So, why is Weather such a smash hit? The end of summer-beginning of fall season is a popular time for tons of events to take place.
First, here are YOUR reasons:
- Last-minute vacations
- cottage country trips
- getting into the swimming pools before closing
- the events
So many reasons. Last-minute vacations are extremly popular and why? Well, don't we want heat?
Cottage country trips: do you want it to rain out?/
Swimming pools: Toronto's swimming pools close on Labour Day.
The popular reason: events. Too many to mention.
First off, let's start with the BreakfastTelevision Viewer Appreciation Day [Toronto] taking place from 6:00-9:00am.(wake up early). It is located on 299 Queen St. West [CHUMCity Building]. To watch the "behind the scenes" prep for BT day, click here.
Then, it's also the opening day of the C.N.E. (Canadian National Exhibition). Of course, we also have those [my appologies to the kids for saying this] Back to School shopping (supported by Staples, Business Depot).
And with the shopping comes September 4th....."BACK TO IT" day -- for all of us,
But before that, it's the last minute Labour Day (and family) BBQ's. Good times....
But remember, there is always next summer. Oh! and also nice weather too!
Now, I know there are sooo much more events that WEATHER plays a HUGE part in, but these are only a few.
To participate in our "Weather: A Smash Hit" poll, click here.
Enjoy the events....
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